If you're reading this, you probably searched something like "DIY garage repairs" on your phone, computer, or tablet which brought you here. That's the great thing about the Internet - it answers all of your questions and gives you everything you want (plus more). But, if you're experiencing problems with your garage or garage door - don't ask Google how to fix it. Google doesn't have the expertise or ability to analyze your door's condition and the safety risks involved in fixing it. Professionals do.

During your online search, you will probably find a few DIY tips and think you can take on the repair yourself - but fixing a garage door or part on your own can be more dangerous than you think. Garage door maintenance shouldn't be difficult or dangerous which is why we put together a list of four DIY fixes that should be left to the professionals.



Springs are found in all overhead doors and are essential to how your garage door operates. It comes as no surprise that when a spring or spring system breaks, it needs to be addressed - and fast. These springs are surrounded by immense amounts of tension and can retain tension even after breaking. If your garage isn't operating properly, it could be your springs, and it's time to call a professional. As writer Jeff Beneke said in this article, "wise DIYers know that this is one household chore that is best left to the pros."


Think of the garage door tracks as the roads your garage needs to take to get from point A (open) to point B (closed). Without a smooth and straight road, your garage won't operate the way it should. Bent tracks can be caused by door malfunctions, or backing your lawn mower into the car, causing a dent in your track. If you have an "oops" moment like this, look for a 24-Hour Emergency Service or contact your local garage door maintenance professional.


Your garage door rollers help keep your garage doors on track and running smoothly. When these pop out or malfunction it can cause problems for the door's operation. It's essential to get an expert involved so your garage door doesn't fall on you or the ground (yes it can happen!).


When you think about your garage door photo eyes, there should be one word that comes to mind: safety. Your photo eyes keep you, your family, pets, and belongings safe from being crushed by your heavy garage door. These little sensors are very sensitive and can easily become misaligned, which is why they should be handled with care and set-up by professionals that know how to operate them.

When you're in a situation where one of these parts of your garage is failing, it's time to call the professionals. Take your time and do some research to find a professional in your area that can help you with all of your garage needs. Building a solid relationship with this person or company will not only ensure that your garage concerns and problems will be addressed but you will be able to sleep at night knowing you and your family are safe.